Brian E. J. Rose, University at Albany
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In lecture we defined a zero-dimensional energy balance model for the global mean surface temperature $T$ as follows
$$C \frac{dT}{dt} =(1-α)Q- OLR(T)$$$$OLR= \tau \sigma T^4$$where we defined these terms:
Following our course notes, set up values for all parameters so that the model reproduces the observed global average surface temperature $T=288$ K at equilibrium given the observed top-of-atmosphere shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes from the Trenberth and Fasullo figure from Lecture 1.
Suppose (for now) that the planetary albedo $\alpha$ is fixed at its observed value.
Doubling atmospheric CO$_2$ makes the atmosphere more opaque to longwave radiation. Suppose that we can represent this in the EBM as a 1.5 % decrease in the value of $\tau$.
(a) Calculate the radiative forcing $\Delta R$ in this model due to a doubling of CO$_2$.
(b) Calculate the no-feedback equilibrium response $\Delta T_0$.
(c) Using numerical timestepping, make a well-labeled graph of the timeseries of temperature $T(t)$ as it adjusts from initial temperature 288 K to its new equilibrium.
In reality, the longwave opacity increases further as the planet warms because the atmosphere tends to get moister and water vapor provides an additional greenhouse effect.
Let's parameterize the water vapor feedback in the EBM through a formula
$$ \tau(T) = \tau_0 - \frac{T - 288 \text{K}}{400 \text{ K}} $$where $\tau_0$ is the value at $T = 288$ K.
(a) Implement this formula in a Python function.
As in Question 1, use numerical timestepping to investigate the adjustment of the EBM to its new equilibrium temperature after doubling CO$_2$.
Make a well-labeled graph to compare the timeseries $T(t)$ with and without the water vapor feedback. Comment on the differences in climate sensitivity and in adjustment time.
(b) Calculate the system gain $g$ due to the water vapor feedback and the corresponding feedback amount $f_w$.
For this exercise, we will introduce a new physical process into our model by letting the planetary albedo depend on temperature. The idea is that a warmer planet has less ice and snow at the surface, and thus a lower planetary albedo.
Represent the ice-albedo feedback through the following formula:
$$ \alpha(T) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ccc} \alpha_i & & T \le T_i \\ \alpha_o + (\alpha_i-\alpha_o) \frac{(T-T_o)^2}{(T_i-T_o)^2} & & T_i < T < T_o \\ \alpha_o & & T \ge T_o \end{array} \right\}$$with the following parameter values:
For intermediate temperature, this formula gives a smooth variation in albedo with global mean temperature. It is tuned to reproduce the observed albedo $\alpha = 0.299$ for $T = 288$ K.
Repeat question 2(a), this time including the albedo feedback but ignoring the water vapor feedback (i.e. $\beta$ does not decrease with temperature). Again, use numerical timestepping to calculate the new equilibrium temperature after the increase in greenhouse gases, including the albedo feedback. Show your code, and make sure that you iterate enough times to ensure your solution is very very close to equilibrium. Make a graph comparing the timeseries in the three model versions used so far.
Repeat question 2(b), calculating the system gain $g$ and feedback amount $f_i$ associated with this albedo feedback.
Repeat 3(b) and 3(c) but this time including both the water vapor and albedo feedback processes in the EBM.
Comment on the following:
Inspired by Figure 5 of the paper by Gerard Roe, show that a small uncertainty in the magnitude of the water vapor feedback translates to a larger uncertainty in climate sensitivity if the model also includes the albedo feedback, even if there is no uncertainty in the albedo feedback itself.
Present your arguments and results any way you see fit, but make sure your method and your code are clear.
The author of this notebook is Brian E. J. Rose, University at Albany.
It was developed in support of ATM 623: Climate Modeling, a graduate-level course in the Department of Atmospheric and Envionmental Sciences
Development of these notes and the climlab software is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under award AGS-1455071 to Brian Rose. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed here are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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